No photos again!  I am rubbish!  I'll see what I can rustle up as an alternative... OK, here's one of me and Chris in Edinburgh.  Relevant only because the characters in the book were from Edinburgh and we had recently visited.
We went to a fantastic Turkish restaurant in Angel for dinner.  I can recommend the sharing mezze - we ordered for 3 people and had so much left over! All for 10 pounds.  Good value and good atmosphere - except for the terrible happy birthday music they played (come to think of it, there were, like, 3 birthdays on that night?!?  Weird).
So we're at this great fun restaurant having a great conversation sparked from the book.  I know it doesn't happen all the time - good conversation from the book - especially one we all liked - so when you get it, you gotta go with it.
We talked a lot about friendship, how each one differs, fades in and out of importance, how everyone expects different things from friendship and how that doesn't always work out so well.... but I think the best lesson this book gave was forcing us to look at friendship over the long term.  To make us realise that just because some good friendships may have faded, it's not to say they wont come back one day. 
Also we talked about whether or not men and women can truly be best friend; platonic best friends.  We voted 2:1 to say they could NOT.  What do you think?
8/19/2023 01:14:46 pm

Thanks for writting


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