Well, what busy bees we are in London (sorry, bad pun).  But so busy we were that I was sure we were going to have to skip a meeting this month as we could just not get a date that the majority of the group could do!
Luckily, Dana saved the day.  She insisted that we meet as she had actually read this months book, enjoyed it, and wanted to discuss it!  How could we refuse such a well intentioned request?

And so it was that just 3 girls came together late on a Monday night for book club dinner and drinks.  We had all read the book (!) but alas, Chris and I had gobbled it up in a couple of days very early on in the piece and couldn't remember what happened (yes, obviously one of those books that creates a lasting impression).  Luckily, Dana came to the rescue again giving us a quick update. 
Our longest and most involved discussion centred around the "grits" our main character was forced to kneel on as punishment from her father. Dana thought they were shards of glass, I thought they were the bits leftover in a pan after cooking bacon (?) and Chris thought they were some kind of breadcrumb.

Well folks, you can put your mind at rest.  I've googled it (seriously, what did we do before Google?) and it turns out that Chris was closest. According to Wikipedia, Grits consists mostly of coarsely ground corn and when boiled most closely relates to polenta - see the pic below.  The things you learn at book club, eh?

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