* In case anyone has finished this month's book and is feeling like some supplementary reading, I recently read Helen Garner's The Spare Room - it has interesting parallels and stark differences to The Household Guide to Dying and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it.  I love this months' book - I finished it last night - Simon got home to find me a blubbering mess!!  I'll save the rest of my thoughts for Book Club and writing it up afterwards.

* In TimeOut there is a weekly column "How I write" - a couple of weeks ago, D J Taylor made this interesting observation which I'd never thought of, but which I really liked: "I start to write - in long-hand, but the way, believing that typing straight onto a computer encourages slackness of thought.  Evelyn Waugh once suggested that writing styles change in response to technology.  This the multi-clause layers of a Dickensian sentence derive from their origins in a dip pen; Heningway's staccato dialogue is the result of its being hammered out onto a manual typewriter, which makes you write like Gatling gun."
